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Advanced JS

Function Expression vs Function statement vs IIFE

iffe (xyz()) is same as ((xyz)())


When 'This' is defined in object, it refers to object's env & everywhere else it refers to global variable

  • but but but if function is inside an object, it again refers to global this
  • so output updated c objectupdated c object
  • to resolve above problem put this = self above console.log Below is an screenshot

Functions are first class members in JS

Functions are plain JS objects with added superpowers : it can do allobject things +

  • the code you write inside fun sits in a special property called 'code' which is invocable - meaning , will have an execution context
  • when we call fun() -> it invokes the code we have written
  • it has an optional name property to distinguish from other functions


console.log(3<2<1) \\true Why?

  • Coz if you see above table it starts reading from ltr in case of < & >
  • so it meas it will be evaluated as (3<2) <1 , 3<2 == false , so false <1 ,
  • Coercion takes place here meaning Number(false) <1=> 0 <1 ==> True

Operator Precedence

a+b*c/d : Precendence is decided by below table

Answer: 4,4,4 This happens because of precedence. it goes from right to left. if precedence was from LtoR answer would be 2,2,2

View All precedence here MDN


+( 3, 4) //Pre fix notation

( 3, 4)+ //Post fix notation

3 + 4 // In fix notation - JS makes it eaasy for us to write code in this way using In fix notation

Async Functioning

Async Functioning

In the above code, when clicked immediately after page reload, result is below:

Async Functioning

🤔 Reason?

JS first finish processing || Stack and then goes to queue =

so all the events like clicks etc are placed in queue and js takes times to finish all execution context (functions) and then go to queue.

Objects & Functions

  • Both are same